OC Dental

Whether you are missing a few teeth or all of them, the quality of your life will undoubtedly be negatively impacted due to this condition. Your eating habits shift, your speech alters, and you seem to have a different facial appearance even though it is perfectly normal for anyone to experience feelings of self-consciousness regarding their smile. 

If you have lost all your teeth or will lose all of your teeth, your dentist will likely suggest one of two main treatment options: either dentures or dental implant treatment. Dentures are one option, and dental implant Santa Ana CA treatment is the other. The only thing that’s confusing is which option to go with.

The treatment for dental implants can be completed in our relaxing dental office by Dr. Comfort, who has extensive experience in planning and placement of dental implants. To discuss your options in detail, you will need to schedule a proper consultation with Dr. Morgan. These two are the best Dentist Santa Ana CA. First things first, let’s get an understanding of dental implants and dentures.

A tooth implant model on top of a table.

What are Dentures?

Dentures are probably not new to you, but for this conversation, let’s go over the fundamentals. Dentures are removable prosthetic teeth that may be customized to suit a person’s mouth regardless of the amount of bone present. Dentures may either be made to function as complete sets that replace all teeth on the upper or lower jaws, or they can be made to function as partial sets that replace only a few teeth. These are dentures that are referred to as partials.

A whole set of teeth, often constructed out of long-lasting acrylic material, is built right into the device’s base. The base and the teeth work in tandem to create a completely natural restoration of the patient’s smile. Because of their low cost and the ease with which they can be fabricated, dentures are a prevalent option for replacing all teeth lost in a mouth.

Your dentist will check your teeth and the alignment of your upper and lower jaws before making the dentures. This is done to ensure that the length of the dentures will allow for optimum chewing and speaking. After that, an initial set of dentures will be fabricated in a lab and sent to your dentist for review. Dentures will be put in your mouth, and any necessary alterations to the alignment or length of the teeth will be performed before producing a final set of dentures.

Benefits of Dentures

  • They are relatively reasonable in price.
  • Dentures eliminate the necessity for any surgical procedure, which is convenient for those who avoid surgery out of fear or just don’t want to do it.
  • Dentures are removable false teeth that may be used to repair lost or damaged teeth in the mouth.
  • They are available in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and colors, which lends a more natural appearance.

Repercussions of Dentures

  • It can weaken your teeth because food can get stuck in your dentures and cause cavities or tooth decay. It could also make your gums hurt. The clasps between the teeth of a partial denture can also make your teeth weak.
  • Some dentures are easily broken if they are not taken care of correctly.
  • Dentures need to be regularly cleaned to keep them in good shape and prevent further damage to the mouth. It would be best if you didn’t sleep in them.
  • Foods that are sticky or hard to chew can only be eaten in large quantities.

What is Full Arch Dental Implants?

You’ve seen how dental implants work, right? Dentists implant your gum, which is where the fake tooth will go. Entire arch dental implants work the same way as single implants, but they use more than one implant. You have between four and eight implants for each row of teeth. After the implant anchors have healed, your dentist will put a new set of teeth on them. 

There are many kinds of full-arch implants, such as:

  1. All-on-4 full dental arch: A dentist will use four dental implants for each row of teeth. The implants are put in at an angle for the crowns to stay in place. The implants are then used to hold new teeth.
  1. Zirconia bridges: They hold your teeth in place with six to eight dental implants. It’s a safer choice than the others. Dentist Santa Ana can easily support ten or twelve missing teeth with four to eight implants.

In addition, the problem of bone deterioration is solved by the full-arch Dental Implant. Patients can eat the foods they once enjoyed because these prosthetics do not have a palate like dentures, which restricts a patient’s ability to taste. This eliminates the need to worry about slipping, clicking sounds, or discomfort commonly associated with dentures. Patients can also eat the foods they once enjoyed because of dentures.

Benefits of Dental Implants

  • In addition to assisting you in healing your missing tooth, it also imitates the root of a natural tooth.
  • When the crown is in place, it gives the appearance of a natural copy of the teeth.
  • If you decide to have a denture supported by implants, you may continue to enjoy all of the advantages of having teeth, including that you will feel entirely secure and that the approach will save you money.
  • You will have teeth close to your original teeth if you choose to have full arch dental implants placed instead of standard dental implants.
  • Your jaw bone maintains its healthy and robust appearance while being potent, comfortable, and secure.
  • It takes very minimal maintenance to maintain them.

Drawbacks of Dental Implants

  • It is an expensive course of action.
  • It doesn’t get paid for by the majority of dental insurance plans.
  • Possible bone loss at the location of the implant
  • Need both surgical intervention and anesthesia.
  • It may take a couple of months, like 3 to 4 months, for the wound to heal.
  • Infections are uncommon but not unheard of.
  • Dental implants may fail (around 5 percent as per the survey)

Which are better, Dentures or Dental Implants?

Dentures or dental implants are an option that should be carefully considered, and the decision should be made in conjunction with your dentist. As opposed to dentures, which may need periodic modifications or replacements throughout their service life, dental implants may not need to be replaced for at least 20 years, despite being more costly.

As dental professionals, we are here to evaluate your current oral health and provide recommendations for replacing any teeth that you may be missing. We base our judgments on your dental health, medical history, objectives you have set for yourself, and preferences about your finances.

You should be able to make a final selection with self-assurance if you give serious consideration to all of the available possibilities for replacing your missing teeth, consider the order of importance of these factors, and think about what you want the prostheses to achieve. We would also be delighted to help you learn about the differences between the two.

For the best dental implant procedure, contact our OC Dental Studio by calling (714) 835-2215, or you can book an appointment by filling out the form on our website.