OC Dental

In spite of how well you take care of your teeth and gums by practicing good oral hygiene, there is always a possibility that you could end up with tooth damage. Cavities and even more severe forms of tooth decay can be the result of harmful bacteria winning the battle against you in certain instances.

On the other hand, you could be involved in an accident or get injured, both of which could result in your teeth getting damaged. It’s possible to chip or crack a molar by biting down on something hard, like an ice cube or a piece of hard candy. You could also have a condition known as bruxism, which causes damage to your teeth through the unconscious act of clenching and grinding them together.

A man and woman are getting their teeth cleaned.

You might end up requiring a filling even if the damage was caused by something completely different. When I was younger, doing this would have almost certainly involved inserting a metal object into my mouth. Although you can still get fillings made of gold and silver, many dentists are becoming increasingly concerned about silver amalgam fillings, which were once the most popular choice. This is primarily due to the presence of mercury in this option.

In point of fact, the majority of people would prefer to have filling material that doesn’t look visible, which necessitates the use of delicate and pricey porcelain, or else opt for a composite resin that is created to match the color of your tooth and molded to fit precisely to your bite pattern. Both of these options are available at OC Dental Studio. Now the question is what are the benefits of getting Tooth Colored Fillings In Santa Ana instead of other materials? Continue reading to know how tooth colored fillings can make your teeth get a natural impression:

#1 Simple Procedure To Apply

After getting cavities or having other damage done to your teeth, it is easy and quick to fill them with resin composites. The material is mixed thoroughly, and once it is applied, it bonds to the structure of your tooth, ensuring that it will continue to perform its function for an extended period of time. Because the resin can be shaped to imitate the surface of the tooth, you won’t need to worry about your bite pattern being disrupted by the replacement. After that, the substance is cured with a light of high intensity to ensure that it will be tough.

Composite fillings are not expected to last quite as long as amalgam fillings in most cases. While composite resin, with the right kind of maintenance, can last up to about ten years, amalgam can last anywhere from ten to fifteen years. However, the installation of fillings made of composite resin or white fillings will only require the removal of tooth structure that is damaged or decayed, in contrast to amalgam fillings, which may require the removal of some healthy tooth structure before installation but after the procedure, your teeth will give a completely natural looking appeal.

#2 Reasonable Rates

It’s possible that amalgam fillings will have a lower price tag than composite resin, but the benefits of composites in terms of both safety and aesthetics make it an option that should definitely be considered, and it’s still less expensive than other filling materials.

#3 Aesthetics

When it comes to fillings, there is no denying the cosmetic appeal that can be achieved with composite resin. Both amalgam and gold fillings are going to be highly visible in your pearly whites, making it obvious to everyone that you have had dental work done in the past. No one will be able to tell the difference when you get fillings made of tooth-colored composite resin!

#4 Durability

Because it bonds directly to the tooth, composite filling material provides a significant increase in the tooth’s resistance to fracture. This provides the tooth with the utmost support and stability, prevents cracks from forming, and seals the tooth so that it cannot be penetrated by food or bacteria.

#5 Prevents Problems

Problems are less likely to occur in this tooth in the future if you have a tooth-colored filling placed in it. This is because a tooth-colored filling does not weaken the structure of a tooth in any way.

For everlasting effect, it is a must that you take care of the fillings by taking proper care of your oral hygiene. This includes going to the dentist on a regular basis to have your teeth cleaned, brushing with fluoride toothpaste, flossing, and using an antibacterial mouthwash at least once per day. If your dentist has reason to believe that one of your fillings may be broken or “leaking,” which occurs when the sides of the filling do not fit tightly against the tooth, they will take X-rays to evaluate the situation. Leaking fillings allow food particles and saliva to seep down between the filling and the tooth, which can lead to cavities. Call your dentist to schedule an appointment if you notice a crack in the filling, feel a sharp edge on your tooth, notice a crack in the filling, or if a piece of the filling is missing. If your tooth is extremely sensitive, you may also feel a sharp edge on your tooth.

Wrapping Up

When teeth are damaged, they may no longer look their best. A tooth colored fillings can help to restore the appearance and give overall healthy teeth. Fillings are made from a variety of different materials, so it is important to find one that is right for your specific needs. In this blog, we have discussed tooth colored fillings and how they can contribute to giving a natural appeal to your teeth. If you are looking forward to getting tooth colored fillings then schedule an appointment with us. Our team of seasoned dentists will ensure that you get the best results and return home with a smile on your face!

Let’s have a word!

If you have questions about tooth-colored fillings procedures or you might need a dental filling, contact our OC Dental Studio by calling (714) 613-0551, or you can book an appointment by filling out the form on our website.