OC Dental

When people are affected by tooth loss, they often turn to their periodontist or dentist for advice to replace missing teeth. One method is the use of dentures. A denture is a removable appliance that serves as a replacement for missing teeth and tissue that has been damaged due to gum disease or tooth loss. Dentures come in two forms- Full dentures and partial dentures. If you are wondering if dentures are right for you, here are answers to some of the most common questions people ask about dentures.

What Are Dentures Made off?

Each full or partial denture is custom-made for the size and shape of your mouth. Because each set is unique, the development process can take several weeks and requires a series of dental appointments. Typically, the first step is to take impressions of your jaw and measure your mouth to determine how your upper and lower jaws relate. Based on these impressions, molds are made so you can get a model to try on to see how your dentures will fit. After necessary adjustments have been made, the final denture is made using the sample mold.

What will Dentures Feel Alike?

Like braces and other wearable oral appliances, dentures feel different for each person. In most cases, they may feel strange or loose for the first few weeks until the muscles of your tongue and cheeks can hold them in place. It is also normal to experience slight irritation, when you start wearing them, but this generally subsides over time.

Do Dentures Make It Difficult to Eat?

At first, eating with dentures can be difficult and require a little practice. Many new wearers report feeling somewhat uncomfortable for the first few weeks. To get used to eating with a new denture, start by cutting food into small pieces and chewing slowly, using both sides of your mouth. Although this may be difficult in the short term, it will not take long to get used to your new dentures and return to your usual diet. Once you get used to your dentures, avoid hot, hard, sticky, or spicy foods. You should also avoid chewing gum or using toothpicks while wearing dentures.

Are Dentures Durable? How Long Do They Last?

The teeth of a denture are usually made of porcelain and plastic. Traditionally, porcelain was preferred because it is stronger and more durable. In some cases, porcelain is still used because it feels similar to natural teeth. In addition, the process used to harden porcelain teeth makes them much harder, resulting in more durable dentures.


In conclusion, dentures can be a great choice for many individuals who have difficulty eating and swallowing food. They can provide the support and protection needed to allow patients to eat normally again. Dentures are also able to provide a comfortable fit, which can help patients feel more confident in their smile and appearance. Search for Dentures Near Me or Contact OC Dental for more details on dentures.